About Us

Vincent International e.V. is a non-profit association under German law, consisting of seven European branches of the Worldwide Vincentian Movement.


Kongregation der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul in Hildesheim

Neue Str. 16, 31134 Hildesheim, Germany
Legal representative:  General Superior Sister M. Teresa Slaby

Genossenschaft der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom hl. Vinzenz von Paul in Untermarchtal e.V.

Margarita-Lindner-Straße 8, 89617 Untermarchtal, Germany
Legal representative:  General Superior Sister Elisabeth Halbmann

Congrégation des Soeurs de la Charité Strasbourg

15 Rue de la Toussaint, 67000 Strassbourg, France
Legal representative:  General Superior Sister Blandine Klein

Generalaat van de Zusters van Sint-Vincentius a Paulo “Dienstmaagden der Armen“ van Gijzegem

Pachthofstraat 1, 9308 Gijzegem, Belgium
Legal representative:  Sister Clarette de Coene

Congregatie der Fraters van Onze Lieve Vrouw Moeder van Barmhartigheid

Gasthuisring 54, 5041 DT Tilburg, The Netherlands
Legal representative: General Superior Brother Lawrence Obiko

Private Stichting Kloostergemeenschap Broeders van Liefde in België

Stropstraat 119, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Legal representatives: Luc Van Dyck and René Van Tichelt

Vincentian Family Office

500 East Chelten Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144-5785, USA
Legal representative: Father Joseph Vincent Agostino

Executive Board:

The members of the Executive Board are elected by the members of the Association for a term of five years. For the current term (2024 – 2029), the Board is composed of five members:

Martin Schwark, Hildesheim, Germany (Chairperson)

Sister Anna-Luisa Kotz, Untermarchtal, Germany (Deputy Chairperson)

Michele Milford, Rome, Italy (Treasurer)

Jean-Luise Bonnet, Strasbourg, France (Member)

Father Joseph Agostino, Philadelphia, USA (Member)